~~~Hey You..Yes U!!~~~

HeY..ThaNx For ViSiTIng My BloG
It'S noThiNg acTuaLLy
I jUsT need to WriTe tO FeeL beTter
WheN loT haS GoIng On iN LifE, I neEd a Place whEre I can Rest and StaY GroundEd

LoVe Ya..

Friday, May 21, 2010

lose my charm

cam geli je kan bace title post tu..haha..mcmla charming sgt..ceh..
i did lose the charm
charm for me is the attitude that people know or notice about u right on
i used to be this 'bright' 'cheerful' 'happy' person..
kurang la kot
mebi ad jgk orang x perasan perubahan aku
tp aku rs aku agak berubah la
from talkative, i've become a better listener now
instead of doing the talk, i prefer to listen
i've become a very boring person..damn!
nk jd mcm dulu
nk jd orang yg happy
orang yg 'who-cares' kind of attitude
aku rindu pd aku yg dulu
sbb aku yg sekarang adalah sangat "gelap"
yg terlalu banyak monolog dalaman
yg sangat "complex"
maybe ni transition process kot
terlalu banyak berfikir
dan pesalahnya adalah perjalanan pegi dan balik kerja a.k.a too much time alone in the car.
menyebabkan aku habiskan masa berfikir..hurm..
perlu cari that 'spark' again
i dont wat to lose it
i need it
where is it?


mib said...

i love my classmate bcoz they have their own characteristic and please don't destroy this feeling at least for me as ur class leader..
i can not be a so call"gila2" person so being with all my classmate make me sometime be close to "gila2" person..
so be what u are and don't allow ur work to change ur life..
gambate lina...hoho...

SNAK said...

haha..bal!terharu aku..haha..yeh..aku tgh mencari diri aku balik la nih..don worry. iwont let myself changed over some silly thing..

Syim said...

i tought ur the same person???
didnt even recognize u anymore..

fArA jeFF said...

kalah dgn mib..die dpt komen dl..huhu


kita semua ada tali nk pegang saat meniti..antara nk ke tak je..



SNAK said...

syim : jangan poyo bleh x?haha

farah : ayat2 ko mmg i xleh lawan la..yeah..meniti garisan yg xnmpk..

mib said...

xnampak dgn mata kasar..tp boleh nampak dengan mata hati kan...and tali2 yg di mansion oleh farah insyaalah dapat membantu...

I'M in The MooD of This