~~~Hey You..Yes U!!~~~

HeY..ThaNx For ViSiTIng My BloG
It'S noThiNg acTuaLLy
I jUsT need to WriTe tO FeeL beTter
WheN loT haS GoIng On iN LifE, I neEd a Place whEre I can Rest and StaY GroundEd

LoVe Ya..

Sunday, April 4, 2010

When it doesnt hurt to dream

*this post might be exaggerated =p*

1. My Dream Job

For some people who already visit my fb page, they must realize that i have a dream to become a fashion designer. seriously, i'm not kidding here. it's something that I'd like to do and become. why fashion designer? i'm not sure. i just love beautiful cloths and instead of buying and spending a fortune for clothes, it's better to have ability to sew and design your own label.
i want to start my own label
i want to have my own collection
i want to inspire

(so cheesy)

that is pretty much what i had in mindla
it just something that i think..i love to do
i like to concentrate on somthing..create somting..anything that relates to art
and engineering is not my field
and i guess the only reason i become an engineer is because it pays better (but not when u're just started)
i thought it will grow in me as i started to work..but the growing process is kind of slow..left me bored to death

another option for my dream job is by becoming a psychologist
i'd rather drown in others problem than mine
i'm not a caring person.. i admit that
but i'm honored if i could inspire people with my thoughts and words
because by helping them getting through the rough time, i'm helping myself too
i can learn bout this life at different perspective
at optimistic point of view
coz when it comes to my problems, my emotion has mixed up and i think irrationally
it just the other side of me that i hope i could find

2. My Dream - Business

i'd like to own a place to hangout just for the girls. and i already have a name for it "Girl Friends"
why just for the girls?i dont know..maybe i just want a place where i could chill with all my girlfrens doing some crazy stuff like dancing, singing. doing all things out of men's sight. A place where only girls could come in and out. and most important : alcohol-free. a place where u can eat, chat with the girls all night and just chill.BUT. NO LESBO are allowed.

phew..so much for the dreams. but it kind of refreshing since it doesnt hurt to dream. If possible, i will try to walk the talk. but if not, i'll just be grateful with everything that i already had.

ok..so the dream will only come to reality if i'm working hard towards it..i will try..

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