~~~Hey You..Yes U!!~~~

HeY..ThaNx For ViSiTIng My BloG
It'S noThiNg acTuaLLy
I jUsT need to WriTe tO FeeL beTter
WheN loT haS GoIng On iN LifE, I neEd a Place whEre I can Rest and StaY GroundEd

LoVe Ya..

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hapy BDay

Happy birthday to me!
I’m extremely lucky!
I was born very pretty!
And everyone loves me!

actually i'm not that happy
25 for a girl..i repeat A GIRL.. is quite a number
but for a woman..life has just began at 25
so..it's ended and started at the same age..
what i'm talking about?
oh whatever

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