~~~Hey You..Yes U!!~~~

HeY..ThaNx For ViSiTIng My BloG
It'S noThiNg acTuaLLy
I jUsT need to WriTe tO FeeL beTter
WheN loT haS GoIng On iN LifE, I neEd a Place whEre I can Rest and StaY GroundEd

LoVe Ya..

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I didnt get THAT job

before ni aku ad membebel2 bout my intvw rite..guess wut..no luck for me there..T_T
demm...aku rase geram ney..sbb wth la..if taknak amik aku xyahla pressure aku smpi 1jam kt lam bilik tuh..arghh..wat aku mengharap je..and diorang keep nodded everytime aku kuarkan idea2 aku yg 'bernas' and 'hebat' tu..haha..cam diorang stuju je..tp seribu kali sayang sme itu hanyala sandiwara mereka. peringatan kepada kawan2 ku..don put ur hopes too high..u will get hurt..really!!dah xde rezeki nk wat cane kan..hmm...tpaksela keep looking lg..endlessly..i'm tired of waiting already...huu


Syim said...

didnt get it...hmpppp xpela.
rezeki ada d mana2. dnt give up yet!!
ko neh pon

SNAK said...

hoho..yeah..i'm still havent give up yet..life must goes on..huu..

I'M in The MooD of This