~~~Hey You..Yes U!!~~~

HeY..ThaNx For ViSiTIng My BloG
It'S noThiNg acTuaLLy
I jUsT need to WriTe tO FeeL beTter
WheN loT haS GoIng On iN LifE, I neEd a Place whEre I can Rest and StaY GroundEd

LoVe Ya..

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

i am here to change the norm..at least my norm

I work at a new work place now.
my feeling? Totally grateful
I can stay with my mom. yay
I love Kelantan and its people.
I guess, i want to do better as an engineer
Not just for my satisfaction but for others benefit too
I believe that, "do ur work properly" is not enough
I want to break the norm
I know that the path is not easy
I will have doubt, I know myself
but,  I want to have something that will warm the heart and soothe the stress  whenever I think about my job.

I'M in The MooD of This